Monday, December 15, 2008
yoohoo~It's 3 am now:D!
Finally decided to update after i realised i missed my Nov entry :O!!
END of A's:)-long long ago

I think Eddee's not in this pic:/
Anw..I think I must be crazy..but I sort of miss least there's something to do:(
Liphin's farewell lunch

LIPHIN!I miss you:(!good luck with your studies!I hope I can visit you in Malaysia some time:)
And send me pics soon!lol!
FAT's FAB birthday preparation

shopping for pressies and making of cheeze cake!haha!!
shopping was fun esp when angmoh ask us where's the merlion and we pointed in diff direction!
FAT's FAB birthday march @ the 9km walk!
SWEET 18 to you 宝贝!lol!
要拍三连拍。。。不要被park ranger抓到!
Nat's birthday celebration at her new hs!
lol send me pics serene! lesson learnt-choose the right movie to watch!lol!
ok waiting for pictures for more updates!yay!
btw anybody knows how to put a gif image in blog entries?lalala I'm bored!
3:07 AM