after dinner i caused a flood in the toilet!the toilet bowl apparently overflowed when i tried to flush-__-it scared the shit out of me but it was damn funny cos sue-who was in the cubicle besides mine started screaming my name when the water flowed over to her cubicle!!lol!aft flooding the toilet we set off for fat's harmoc concert:D!
it was a really nice concert-i really like the sound of harmoc!and fat was damn entertaining!her actions on stage damn funny!and you can sing~dude!great concert!!while ck wj me sue were busy shouting caifang or caifat or caipok..boom was busy selling her hope(xi wang) which cost 2dollars-__-..i bought one of this hope(ie a donation tic that gives u the XI WANG of winning $20000) retarded
took many pics after tt(in attempt to help fat slack..chao slacker!!)chatted and took pics until it was late at night:(!hc damn scary lah-the clocktower nao gui one:(!we were so scared when we were leaving the school..haha but thank god i've got my girls:)!thx sue for accompanying me:DD!
met up with winnie kat boom simin sue for buffet dinner at marina hotpot culture!ate and ate and ate until the waiter refuse to serve us or secretly cancel our orders!!lol we ate from ard 5plus till 9?so woody(无敌) lol!!took many pics over dinner and aft tt:)some funny ones:the girl very pretty hor!!haha:D!aft lagging for ages..we set off to hui2's condo for stayover:D!so cool lah her parents bought the condo but they dont stay there!neither do they rent it out:/!so it became a place for hanging out and stayovers-w/o having to disturb her family:DD!me and winnie 有需要 once we reached her hs..we do what we had to do..
with usual mj mates-jj and wj:D!..lost $_$ due to bad feng shui!proven by anybody who sits tt place:(!but i think i look so 专著 when playing mj!
slpt abit and woke up to a wonderful morning:D!weeee mac bf!my favourite:D!^crazy ppl who played rounds and rounds of mj!lol!
boom had to go to school so me and fat walked her to the bus stop:D!took pics while walking in the middle of the road owned by our ahgong:O!went crazy while waiting for 154 to come-__-zZz..then they became hungry and crave for more mac bf!lol
Met up with SASI WANTING(lol) to celebrate serene's bday:)
but!天意弄人..sth cropped up and she couldnt come..NOoOoooo...nvm..another day ok!!haha stupid NAT and LP-abandon sasi to go back HOME (ie philippines and msia)so there's not much chance to meet up during the holidays!so unfair!i wana go HOME too-i think im secretly cheena going back to china ppl!bye~lol..crap-_-
paiseh zj cover ur face:D
lp had to go for some farewell so the 4 of us(AGAIN) went to vivo to hv SUSHI cos we're so so craving for some SUSHI!lol..oh come to think of it-clarke quay has better sushi and jap food-but more ex sia:/!not that sushi tei is any cheaper though:/!but the baked salmon maki is super nice me nat and zj had one plate(6 sushi) each-lol!toobad glen doesnt eat salmon-its nice leh..what a pity:/!
nat!next time u go out and keep calling or texting ur A i'll confiscate ur phone hor!u L!haha but anw had a good time catching up with u ppl~meet up soon k!LOVES!
Fri:went to dental and then shopping and munching with mum:D!some pics from my phone-currently maxed out memory!pissed leh!hv to delete my songs to take picture-__-!gotta get a new phone soon to replace this siao phone..which constantly goes haywire..siaosiaosiaosiaosiao.
oh i killed another cockroach!by spraying lots and lots of BAYGON(not bygon)lol!
Sun:went out with family-stupid bro volunteered to pay for stuff tt i was gona and end up complaining tt the stuff i bought was twice the price of the stuff he bought for himself!lol!thanks pig!lol
I love holidays and i love my friends and dearest darlings and of cos my family:D!
oh come to think of it..4I ah 4I!i wana meet up leh!hvnt seen u ppl in 4523423473415436 years!i miss ur sososososososo much!let's meet up soon can!like real soon soon?!:(if not it'll be exams already lah!tao yan!!!*puke*so niang
huiqi is a happy and tired(4am) girl:D!
and to my dear friend-i'm glad ur letting go and moving on:)love ya always!jiayou jiayou!