Sunday, May 25, 2008
i just killed a cockroach!!
so damn scary can!the last time i attempted to kill one was 462441239124182years ago-___- and that cockroach flew onto me!and then from tt day onwards i became afraid of them..disgusting pests!!EWWWWWW!
i had a hard time killing tt roach just now-____- cos it was in the kitchen and BYGON was in the kitchen!!
i attempted to trap it in the 1.5litre bottle i was gona throw i stuff some food inside and rolled it towards the cockroach:DD!and it actually went towards it immediately:DD!i was so amused i observed it for like 30mins?too bad it was too short to get into it:(!in the end i just crushed it with old newspaper:/!eeyer...i waited for a long time for it to get into the bottle lah..sad..cos i thought crushing it will be disgusting:/..haha my mum hv to clear the carcass for me cos i dont dare to touch it:(!ok..the moral of the story is I HATE COCKROACHES AND IM SO PROUD OF MYSELF FOR KILLING ONE:DDD!!
ok:)!enough of this shit-_-!!
haha..ytd went to VCH to surprise plus support
stupid zeejay made me walk one big round to VCH!smack ur head!!
the concert started late and ended even later..had to rush back cos liphin's hostel hv curfews:( which is like 10.30pm?and it was already 10.15?haha..din take pics:(!saded!!but we'll be having another outing real soon RIGHT?!?haha
looking forward to all the activities during the holidays and all my
DARLING'S BDAY♥♥!seeya soon soon boom boom!haha and jiayou fat fat for concert!
-I am trying so hard to salvage the situation.why do i have to do this all alone?
1:27 AM
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Class outing at sentosa yesterday!!turned out to be a girls outing though:/ cos apparently most of our class guys either have H3 or SATs://damn pro!
but anw the outing turned out fun too:D!
indian poker plus forfeits:o
snack and pigged out!
sandcastle building:D!plus toe wriggling in the sand hole!!LOL!
monkey plus dunking:P!
WATER captain's ball plus more dunking!!!
lagging on the bridge plus "sailing"

ok!tired and burnt!nites!!look forward to more outings:D!
1:00 AM
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
YAY~~CT is finally over:DD!!
and NOoOoooo~~i'm so gona flunk:/!
new blogskin!anybody can help me with the scrollbar?!my codes cant seem to work!
yippie!looking forward to holidays!
anw my ans to last post is...4!what's yours?what's yours?
tell me and taggg~
Class outing tmr:P!i wana go shopping!!
i hate holidays hw:(!sichuan earthquake and myanmar cyclone:'((!
k im bored and feeling totally random!!
10:15 PM