haha we kope mac's happy birthday:)!Pc bought a huge egg (yi da li) from italy (yi da li) which melted-___-.talked alot and gossiped sigh..i missed those good old days:(..really miss all of ur!
6.meetup with 2d peeps:))haha!lq is sooo engrossed he thinks he's really bungee jumping:D!
tsktsk-brokeback.chicky should go for hair extension to make this pic more complete.wj was like "alot ppl watching leh..we are like giving free show:/"LOL!ur right man!!
tou pai uncle picking up litter..i also duno y i took tt..y huh?
i like this photo..very artistic..rofl..what are u looking at?
someone's lurking behind..........hahaha!love u all:)!
k its late!nites world:)!1.11am monday