Sunday, January 20, 2008
Fair-weather friend - A friend who supports others only when it is easy and convenient to do so.
True friend - A friend who supports their own friends through emotional difficulties. This term also denotes a large degree of altruism, in that the true friend often sacrifices something of his or her own (usually their time and resources) in order to help the friend in need. True friends also are known to be very rare. A true friend may not be your best friend but someone who you know will be there for you.
Best friend - A friend to whom one feels closest. It is usually implied that the relationship is reciprocal, but such is not always the case, and best friend relationships can often be very complex.
what happens when.
get hurt.
nv felt lonelier. its time to grow up sucker.when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u understand?when will u ever understand?you dumbass
2:29 AM
Sunday, January 13, 2008
birthday wasnt as good as i expected
ppl whom i thought will spend the day with me didn't
ppl whom i thought wouldnt surprised me:)
i'm glad i hv ur.thanks girls:)

..well its no big deal isnt it.
nevertheless many ppl brightened my bday with their kind wishes, pressies and cards:)
many thx and xoxo to-
family sl pl,
pc zx sher kn viv wl germ cn sc jm bel elaine will zd,
kh py basa xy kwan hx, cf sharon winnie kat sm, lp nat zj glen, qm mz ty, gwen shermaine, sL! and
Mr ice-cream man:D!
nth much to say liao.
i hate going to sch nowadays..everything is like choing choing choing..even for pe..i hv been running for my 4 pe lessons..5rnds 6rnds 7rnds 7rnds...pain on tues and hurts like TT on wed.
very busy go do phy le.byebye
random:i halved my hair.
1:39 AM