Friday, November 30, 2007
Went to Mr Loh's wake on Wednesday
had a talk with zx on our journey..abt the life vest issue--totally sucks to talk abt it and try to push blames now.
Met up with pc and had a very hard time finding our way there. took us 2hrs but we got our way there finally...the long journey long and tiring..but was worth it...there might not be anything i could do to help..but i was there to pay my last respect to a respectable man.
then Karen-a very nice n warm lady, showed us to Mr Loh's coffin...
had been telling myself to not get so emotional..cos i'd been :'( for the past few days...whenever i see reports on the, papers..its everywhere.
tried to hold back but broke down in the end..
Karen made a slideshow of Mr Loh's life..he was always smiling his signature smile:)i wont forget the smile.
Anyhow..i'm glad to see tt Mr Loh's family is strong and are able to cope with sure it's tough:(

found this photo at ..i dont really know what to say now...the five of them..are young n promising......its really a loss
I wont say i've got to know Mr Loh well enough..but i'll nv forget his lessons..where he used white board n magnets to teach:)..i found it funny then..his sunshine smile..tight shirt..small foot that cant seem to fit into his shoes..huge he used the gym he lift weights he joked abt him being short......
its a shame tt i din notice his goodness until his gone...maybe i (we) should stop taking things for granted..and start appreciating people around me(us)..
you will be missed.
2:00 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
I'm feeling terribly upset.
Mr Stephen Loh Soon Ann(1976-2007)
One of the best pe teacher I've ever had.
Jovial,responsible and always putting in so much effort to prepare for lessons..
I'd looked forward to more softball lessons :'(
It's sad how fragile life is..Rest in peace Mr Loh
Condolences to his love ones
"Those Who Live In The Hearts Of Others......Never Die"
12:26 AM
Thursday, November 22, 2007
心血来潮,想用华文blog:)!heh heh sry nat:p!
4i steamboat:))


和sasi 的mugging session 失败了..变成 movie and munching session-_________-
好look forward to stayover 呢:D
星期二回了rv去co camp
真是非常凄凉。。。最high 的竟然是 seniors。。我们从TEAM S(s for seniors) 变成了TEAM ROCKET。。。真好笑:DD!
our motto----我们可是用华文版本的喔
Prepare for trouble!准备自找麻烦
Make it double!使双!
To protect the world from devastation!保护世界免遭破坏!
To unite all peoples within our nation!要团结一切人民,我们民族幸甚!
To denounce the evils of truth and love!谴责邪恶的真理和爱!
To extend our reach to the stars above!扩展我们达到了星级以上!
Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light!火箭队,爆破送行光的速度
Surrender now, or prepare to fight!现在投降,还是要准备打!
That's right!你没看错!
哈哈 真巧。。拍的时候并没发现那些字




caifang 一直教她叫我 gorgor..我也一直教她叫 caifang auntie:D!
结果她真的叫了-______-..吓了她妈妈一跳 hp screwed..anything urgent call me instead..haha
oh..happy bday to...
chicky jx bw naijiew and fat:)))))))!
3:19 AM
Sunday, November 11, 2007
okie!time to update:DD!
too lazy to write too much:)!
before op:((...siannnn


missed s02 class outing bcos of headache:((
settlers nov:D!
4i!im not the only one tiptoeing!hehheh..

vivien is sooooooooo dark and muscular:o!
2d!haha!plus 2 ang moh kia and..father and daughter behind!HAHAHA!!

camwhore! abit too many hearts:P!

WE'RE SNTM:D!rofl shaboom n vinnie's nice idea-_-!so dui lian..heh

caifat huigi shaboom

LAMP POSTS!so nice:))

rofl i like this picture!got special effect:))!nie gong!!!

the girls:D!LOVE!!

then..island creamery with SASI:D!
then we had a bubble blowing session:D!!

the bubbles flew so high we had to hike to catch it:)!rofl

when we reached the top we felt so hungry we decided to
pinic in the middle of nowhere..sitting on maps of botanical garden!rofl

yeap yeap..steamboat tmr!so excited:DDD!
happy belated birthday to..CAINING ANABEL KATTY BASA :D!
1:06 AM