Thursday, October 25, 2007
life is like so no
life that i duno what to blog abt anymore=/// no
life can my
life get?i slept for 18hrs ytd..until my mum woke me up for dinner :S..rofl i slept for so long that i had liKe 3dreams..........
i rmb all my dreams:)but i thought the 1st dream was the weirdest so i'll talk abt it:DD
started with me wanting to bake-_-'''..bake errr...let me check for the name..cupcakes:DD! pretty:)im going to bake them anw:DD!lol i've got nth better to do~..oh anw the dream was so damn weird the frosting for the cupcakes were actually made of orange and apple peeling-_-..
my internet is so screwed im dont feel like blogging anymore..the picture took forever to upload..oh..abt my results,not very good but im contented:)!and im sososo proud of naijiew!i better go bug him to teach me hahahaha!
im so envious of my cousin,he knows how to cook damn lots of stuff now(too bad he cant bake)..was reading his entry abt him cooking for his friends..what chicken rollard..baked rice..australia sirloin..salmon..*DROOLS*..siggh..i wish there's sth i can do abt my least my cousin's currently aiming to be a sous chef=)!
haha..i better stop wallowing in self pity-_-..1 more year..then a few more years then...i duno what is to come..rofl!!ok i go play my diner dash le~bye bloggie
10:24 PM
Saturday, October 20, 2007
haha ok!it's time i blog!since i dont wana do sher's pw:))!
actually i intended to blog aft i get my results..but it's been so0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0 uber long tt fungus are growing on me (lol winnie:"red black white")
To add on to the many ppl complaining abt our results system-"WHY DO WE HV TO WAIT SO LONG?!?!" we finished our exams on the 1st and will get back our results on the 22nd..tts like a terrible 3weeks.dumb.
zomg its so late-_-''' i've got so much stuff to blog abt i duno where to begin.
since im lazy i shant do it anyway:))!however...
1.more gatherings(text me when ur free:)!)
2.chalet!!!who's booking
random pictures

unglam but nice:)so fun!i managed to jump de lor..but very unglam tt pic so..heh heh

see no evil hear no evil say no evil :x!monkey for pengyi-get well soonnn!
ok sian diao..i'll blog aft pw's over or when i hv some life-_-
12:04 AM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
today was a pretty eventful day so i thought i'll blog abt it
few yrs ltr i'll prolly look back to this day n wonder.."why the f*** did tt guy hit me"
so me n sher were shopping when a guy suddenly attacked me from the back..and..he hit my head n ran away..snatching nth from i've concluded tt either 1.he's crazy or 2.he's crazy..
yeap it's painful and i can still feel it now..i feel tt i've became 10% dumber now.
now tt i come to think of life is pretty weird..and mum was like saying tt it's part and parcel of life and tt i hv to learn to cope with this stuff..whatever it is..SHIT happens
but then many ppl in this world walks on the street and then get hit on the head by some guy..err..fine one word suay.
k so study chem spa le..better not hv some memory loss shit tmr.
10:39 PM
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
^cant think of a title!hoho
!!promos over!
1.time for shopping
2.time for slacking(not that i ever forget abt it)
3.time for new blogskin..walao find whole day hard to please:)haha..i want childish bright n fun blogskins!haha!!
4.time for gatherings
last but not least..time for my FAVOURITE:PeeDoubleEww=D!yayness!!
pw gives me enlightenment cos i'll prolly die doing it-_-'''..
sadness:i feel helpless.sry tt there's nth much we can do. going to sch when there's no sch for me today...weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
2:08 AM