us!! i'll hv 3 pwetty photos of me on the wall=D!it was really fun getting tgt=)..not exactly fun lah..but just a good feeling!haha..we just updated on our how much gp sucks?lol..took alot of weird photos,glowing photos(cos the lens had fingerprints) n many really reminded me of the good old days!haha..its not tt im old lah=PpP..nth much has changed..beside the fact that there's tired faces behind the happy face!haha!!
to prove tt i was really tired.i slept on the bus throughout the whole journey a more pro sleeper now!i wake up at my stop n dont miss it anymore!!haha!!
FRI was half day!yay..not exactly a nice half day since im only missing lunch,a free period,gsc and chem(i.e. only chem)went ps for lunch with sher n's been a long long time since we sat down n talked-gossiped!we sucked at deciding what to the end we decided on pizzahut-through scissors paper stones(aren't we 17?) our dismay it was closed for renovation? sher decided on kfc-we wanted to share the new kfc...*whats tt* after we finish eating oue own meal..but plan failed again!i seriously think we suck at planning.and also crystal growing..LMAO abt the crystal growing was damn stupid.i mean..we grew unsaturated solution for 3weeks?eww..but there was a few teeny weeny pieces of purple salt lah..haha!
frozen desert nat has melted!get well soon sucker!!stop sucking away all the heat!lphin also many ppl are falling ill=(..Take Care ppl!
yay!holiday is coming hard huiqi!im so glad i still have a life=).although my phys tcher said i look like i hvnt slept for days!lol
waiting for more to come=D!to emo n sad ppl-cos unhappy stuff sucks tts y ur emoing!if only happy stuff has greater sucking power!lol
abcdefghijklmnopqrstvwxyz--think of a sentence n tag it on my tagboard!this is interesting!haha!
my beloved nat(with her usual sucker face) n dear liphin!we were doing so many stupid actions at the bus stop outside the school=DD..n then i realised..its MY school..omg.hope nobody i know saw what we were doing=PpP~their uniform "brighten up the school"-_-sad but true.lmao.
then i had cca-which ended fast-so me sher zx went kap to MnMs-mug n macs! haha!!we din mug in the end..but i ended up playing with this--
haha.doesnt this simply dont look like a saucer crashed onto MACland?nvm..n i started playing with an ant..erm.i hope i din kill it.
Thurs ended late n i din go for that tank concert=/haha..overslept n had to sleepwalk home=)
Friday was goody!last day of the week makes me energetic!was a fun day for me!played with S02 girls=D played with sher n pc=D! all day!yay!im glad i have a life afterall!
and how am i going to love u like i always had.
today is Sat=)yay!im going out with 4idols in the afternoon to settlers!FREE FOOD n GAMES makes me high!lol!!TB i wun be able to stay till late at night=(..but im so looking forward to seeing them n breaking th record of spending $200plus!!lmao
n yeah!its Sucker most's choir concert today!!YAY!i bet she's EXCITEDDDD!lmao!tb i cant make it!ALL THE BEST NAAAAT<333!