Tuesday, April 24, 2007
TODAY i shall blog abt how much i hate the game
zhong ji mi ma..
@#%%$##$@##$@##%$@@%^$%&..bcos of tt nice game n my nice PC
i had to do 50 push-ups during pe today..
cos of the rain,our class of 13girls plus 4guys-(i duno where the other guys went)played some catching game-loser do suicide run!haha!when pe was ending..ms.(omg i duno my pe tcher's name)pretty decided we should play zhong ji mi ma=))-note tt i used to like this game!haha if i did not rmb wrongly.i was the 5th girl lidat..in order to push the number to the guys..we had call numbers of smaller difference.
when it reached PC..it was 75-100,so she called 77!haha-small difference right=D
poor me had to do 25 push ups.76 is cursed.
wah..FINALLY when i finish tt shit..stand up only kana again must do 25 push-ups again!wah..so fun!come to think of it im quite
LUCKY LOR!4 games 17 ppl i hit the jackpot twice leh!what the probability lor=D..#%@%..now my arm's aching so PC better help me carry my file=D!
haha-actually i think quite farni lor!now i've got strong
aching arms!YAY!then when i was going hm..sth very funny happened on the bus=))the ang moh pretty-(ohmy influenced by py)saw the place she wanted to go n she just yelled"could you stop please?!?"..the the bus uncle halted in the middle of nowhere..still apologise lor..then she alighted..at 1st i thought she pressed the bell n he din stop..i think she duno how s'pore's bus system works lor.
i think funny things have been happening in my life=D!actually i think is more of how i see it=))!optimism=D!
LAST FRIDAY was a small call with big turn out=D!yay!!so happy!21 peeps came to the so called outing.actually it just started with me asking cn to island=D!

koped this from nikunJ's blog http://www.quizgalaxy.com/quiz.php?id=83
ang hui qi:[adjective]taste like fried chicken
LMAO!i can be KFC's new statue.n i can emo like ronald=D!but i'll prefer a chair or sth compared to a walking stick=)!
i seriously think this kinda look alike not true de lor..idt i look like leonardo dicaprio lor..haha n like the pnns said..its really kinda limited huh-_-'''
im happy nowadays=).happy i handed up my PI.happy there's half day on thurs.happy there's public holiday on tues.yay!!happy happy=D!
10:23 PM
Thursday, April 19, 2007
haha..so long never update le.today got time so update a lil..hmm where was i?
ohmy..9days ago..so many things happened.
11th-sher's bday celebration=)went to mad jack.the food wasnt exactly nice..haha.cn jm kn germ zx jy sher me<33.missed the girls so much.missed the days when we sit down n eat tgt.not forgetting the gossips=D!cn left n vonny came.n we went island creamery n cam whore with the 2 additional puppet=D!super cute!!haha..TB shien cant come.hope u enjoyed ur detention!haha=P
12th-stayed back in sch for 1-1 maths.ms seow was great.n super childish.=)
13th-dear liphin's 18th bdae!haha=DD!met them at a very late time.was rushing my PI which was supposed to be handed up by midnight tt day=(!i hate PI.blah..met the 22 ppl<3~saw sasi plus cherwaye,loan,huiling,sarah,tianruo at village=D.the food is nice but quite ex leh..n LOL!!!sinful deserts=P!took lotsa random pics,some grp photos n sasi-glen took neoprints b4 going hm!haha!sa's uniform is so much nicer!*jealous*grp pic-hl n sarah.
14th-napfa.yay gold!met wl kn glen wil for lunch @ pastamania=D!then haha..our fav. bridging=D at kah's hs!
15th-terrible day.so much to do so lil time.SUCKS
16th-17th-work and more work.i need more time.
18th-super slack campaigning day in sch-n 1st cca day for me n zx=D!funny day=D!
19th-oh..isnt it today?bought the wrong food n snacked whole day.tts all i rmb.ohya..congrats to pc for hving ur internet connection once again!!LOL.n stop hitting me in class!u lousy bridge player!last day using this comp.kinda sad=(
20th-looking forward to tmr=D!meeting at island=D!
i shouldnt.but i would=D*cant help falling...aslp in class.
5:45 PM
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
im supposed to be doing PI now..school life's so boring i just cant stop sleeping in class=P..n I HATE PE!!
this morning.i felt sick on the thought tt we had to run rounds again..
but when pe started we went straight to the netball court!YAY~i was like so happy=DD
i thought we were gona do shuttle run..but shucks..my pe tcher said SUICIDE RUN lar..up n down the court for 8 times in 1.10mins..almost died.we did it for like half an hr.then crunches push up hop ard.argh..i dun even know what its called=//
anw mamabel came in the afternoon..poor bel..next time i go fetch u..so u dunit walk 1 big round=)!miss her loadz and she still looks mama-ish=D!
anw last thurs was a BLAST!it was my dear nv er birthday!ZIXIN<3 she's still as blur as ever tt we managed to give her a surprise bithday celebration in such an obvious manner=D.
half the class turned up!im doing a 3.5=D!rofl at pc=P!

nj uniform doesnt look good with tie lo!we are the grey union=D

then again..we are the cement wall=]n pc's tiptoeing!not fair!!

me and my birthday girl<33lol at the picture date!camera went bonkers must b cos of taking pretty girls so it went crazy=D

anw..tts abt all..this week seems quite...............!this friday's gona b a good one=D!ohya..tmr rvco syf le.jiayou n all the best juniors~!
random.*idk y.ppl have poor memory they start forgetting friends when they dont stay tgt or meet up often.saw A tt day n A couldnt rmb my name.shucks.its sad how things start to drift apart.i wish i could read ppl's mind.or at least i wish ppl would tell me how they really feel and what they are actually thinking about.tell me if i still have a place in there.*
7:50 PM