Sunday, March 25, 2007
friday was like one of the better days in school=))
i din sleep as much during lect..cos i dun want the tcher to catch me
anw..funny stuff happened during lect..abt the not effect
aft sch,,i sorta lag ard.=Xps my class girls n lagged around with sher for quite some time. paiseh man.but i really din feel like going serangoon to eat tomyam cos no1 i dont take tomyam.no2 i had sth on ltr n i din wana travel so farr=P
k..anw me n sher went to the back to eat,n she was crazily taking pics of other ppl's houses..we went into a pet store!!yippie doggies~~i love doggies=D anw.there was this crazy toy poodle which was attacking the glass pane...err so was like trying to charge its way out of the cage..n there was this 3 huge golden pretty=)remind me of kimmy=)
anw we ate these---

the food looked really ex.but it was considerably cheap=)$10 at covo!im advertising since tt shop uncle was really nice n friendly=)then me n sher lagged n chat=)really really love talking to her<3thx pal~
then i went to meet my 2 shit at island creamery.heh mi lu luo loves ah fu pai n pok shuo zao<333
i wanted to wipe them out~since im a weird white stuff down there was supposed to b da chang jin made by caifat=))

but they said im cement.anw i put on a tough fight.n eventually tire out

ahha.esp aft seeing this super jing dian pic on the wall

while i was eating my mudpie n FRESH banana split..kwankwan came in with jiemin n gang..lolx!its a small world after all~~n i found out the gang dont really know each other..-_-.
anw tmr..i mean later going out with s22 loh..i guess the others miss 22 as much as me=((..hope tt everyone turns up!kk gotta fly to my bed le!if not i'll b late tmr=P~
<3the ppl who keeps me going=)
2:29 AM
Thursday, March 22, 2007
current occupation.
grey Indian croc which attacks and robs another in a public place.
mugger 1 |ˈməgər| noun a person who attacks and robs another in a public place.
mugger 2 noun a large short-snouted Indian crocodile, venerated by many Hindus. • Crocodylus palustris, family Crocodylidae.ORIGIN mid 19th cent.: from Hindi magar.
better watch out for me.opps.u cant cos i can blend in with cement walls. lame and crazy.and im getting into the NJ spirit.haha.sch life sucks.wrong.sch sucks.i mean whats life with sch?no life basically this has been what i was doing.self amusing and mugging. in 07S02=)same class as pc thank least theres some1 i know=).unfortunately i seem to hv difficulty fitting into the original 02 class.anw i'll try my best lah.n dear sher..pls cheer up!it'll b better soon k?hahax
tts abt all.i miss my friends=(.but heng we're gona meet up soon=D!yay so happy!quick and summarised.gotta blast!
12:38 AM
Sunday, March 4, 2007's been so long since i last blog..due to various reasons lah=/
im using this imac now..i dun like it man..there's so many things tt are diff=XX
heh..finished watching 1 litre of tears=) k lah..i din cry 1 litre prolly bcos of my bro who was irritating me while i was watching i din cry as much=X..gain alot of insights like kah said=)
the pass few days in school were like card games n more card games..n i still hate gp!!X_X..realised my class like to eat ice cream food n more food=X..haha..i think i've at least gain a kg!!!!
eww.i hate imac..not gona blog more le..cos there's no pic on this comp..n i cant colour bold change the size n font of my words w/o using html..n im world<333
1:41 AM