i've got no idea what fat is doing=X!!stayover was fun!mahjong was woots~honeystar rocks!!i think i have bad luck with mahjong XD !heh..should hv more stayovers..so sharon can sleep throughout!!lmao!
SATURDAY went to lee lao shi's hs to bai nian with 4i..supposed to have bbq..but 3 of her classes turned up..n we had to rot there for most of the time=X!but it was really =DDD to see 4i after such a longgg time=((..no ang bao cos she provided the food..ok..it was reali an EYE-OPENING EXPERIENCE=X..i mean where can u find a one-seater sofa with 3 flies on it?she really should furnish her hs lah..since she earns quite alot=X..anw..lim chu kang is super eerie at night..n vonny was there telling ghost stories!!EEEPPPP!!!
taken at lot1 mac..heyy..where's ronald?kianzuo's blocking him lah!how inconsiderate!lolxx
MONDAY heh..mahjong at huang hua's hs again today!super fun times with 22!yeah!!i think im gona miss them like hell aft i leave..erm..anw sam was super blur!wake up k!!nat's screamings is still in my head=XX!anw..i think i lost quite alot in mahjong..but heh they guys so nice!all waived..ok THX HUANG HUA,ZEEJAY,JIAJUN!!wahaha..lidat dunit to pay liaoo right?
anw..to my dearest friends who are sick..GET WELL SOON!TAKE CARE!heh..im watching this jap serial on youtube now..so sad=(( "one litre of tears"..if u feel like crying then go watch.
Oh..enough of results~aft leaving sch was FUN FUN FUN!(im so sry 4i..i promised 2d 1st..go out with y'all nxt time=PpPp)2D had dinner at jec..n then we waited for winnie to take neoprints..it was all quite emo cos some didnt get quite satisfying results.but hey!(to all my friends out there who din get what you want..CHEER UP!u still hv me=DD!)wahaha..so bu yao lian..k..anw.the fun part of the outing was when we start doing crazy stuff taking our own pics in the shop!lol..i think tt pissed the shopkeeper off=p!!and tts so fun=D!! anw..here are some of the pics=D...p>
~me and winnie trying to take our own np!~ erm..i have no idea what she's doing=S
all piled up inside the np machine..kat look super cute=D!
me and kat attempting to take our mirror image=DD!
lol..other than all these..there was some SCANDALOUS tingy going on=D!
#scandal 1
#scandal 2
#scandal 3 part 1
#scandal 3 part 2-brokeback mt..cos they broke their backs-_-'''